This page shows a point z in the upper half-plane of the complex plane
and its image w after applying the Möbius transform

w = (a z + b) / (c z + d).

You can change values of the real coefficients a, b, c, d:
a = 1
b = −1
c = 1
d = 1

Coordinates of the point z = x + y i:
x = 0
y = 1

w = .

This simple program is inspired by projects and seminars organized and directed by N. Vasilevski, S. Grudsky and M. Loaiza Leyva, with participation of their colleagues and students who work in close areas: K. M. Esmeral García, A. I. García Salas, C. Herrera Yañez, O. Hutník, M. C. Lozano Arizmendi, B. A. Ocampo Gómez, J. Ramírez Ortega, A. Sánchez Nungaray, J. Y. Santana Bejarano.

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